AC Infinity - Controller 67, Temperature and Humidity Fan Controller

$ 49.99
Availability: In Stock

Programming Temperatures 32 to 140°F
Maximum Fans Controlled  2
Total Dimensions

5.19 x 2.91 x 1.06 in. (13.2 x 7.4 x 2.7 cm)

AC Infinity
 AC Infinity,Fans,HVAC,Ventilation
Braeburn Digital Thermostat
Programmable wi fi thermostat
Affordable wifi thermostat


A digital controller designed to enhance your AC Infinity fan with smart controls to maintain a stable climate. This intelligent command unit features a black powder-coated body and a backlit LCD screen that presents a sleek aesthetic. The display has three brightness levels, as well as two auto brightness settings, and reads temperatures in Fahrenheit or Celsius. It includes a 12-foot sensor probe with a waterproof thermalloy head that accurately detects current temperature and humidity conditions. The controller’s 4-pin Molex fan ports can simultaneously power two fans to share the same fan speed and programming. Functions include automated triggers, timers, on/off cycling, and scheduling.


The smart auto modes trigger your fan to activate in response to climate changes. Its fan speed can dynamically adjust itself to current temperature or humidity levels, producing optimal amounts of airflow. The fan speed can also operate in an optional minimum setting to maintain cooling and ventilation. Timer, on/off cycle, and schedule modes add custom on-demand activation for a variety of uses. Securely connect with the AC Infinity App via Bluetooth to access your fan remotely, unlock advance programs, set notifications, view historical climate charts, and export CSV data.


The built-in Molex ports allow you to pair two fans together to share the same programming and achieve more airflow. This intelligent controller is compatible with the following fans with EC motors:

  • CLOUDLINE Series of Inline Duct Fans
  • AIRLIFT Series of Shutter Exhaust Fans
  • CLOUDRAY Series of Whole House Fans


  • A digital controller designed to equip AC Infinity fans with smart controls for HVAC or growing applications.
  • Dynamically adjusts fan speed based on temperature and humidity conditions to produce optimal airflow.
  • Programming includes automated triggers, timers, cycles, scheduling, minimum speed, and custom transitions.
  • Connect with the AC Infinity app via Bluetooth to unlock advanced programs, set notifications, and view climate data.
  • Features a powder-coated black body with a digital LCD display and a corded thermalloy sensor probe.
  • Supports up to two CLOUDLINE, AIRLIFT, or CLOUDRAY fans with EC motors to share the same programming.

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