SleepHub - Natural Sleeping Aid with Sound Technology

$ 699.00 $ 499.00
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Better sleep with SleepHub® - a simple and easy way to improve your natural sleep quality. SleepHub® is a bedside sleep aid which re-trains the brain to sleep optimally using ground-breaking neuroscience and sound technology.

Created for those who want to overcome sleep problems such as insomnia, or improve their sleep for better physical and mental performance. SleepHub® is backed by over 10 years of scientific research and development by Cambridge Sleep Sciences.

How SleepHub® works:

  1. Scientific sounds: Positioned beside you as you sleep, SleepHub’s® high-quality audio speakers play scientifically developed sound waves. These sleep sounds emulate brain activity that occurs during healthy sleep cycles.
  2. Brain retrains: SleepHub® sleep sounds will help you fall asleep and guide you through natural sleep patterns, improving sleep quality and correcting poor sleep habits
  3. Practice makes perfect: Regular and repeated use of your SleepHub® will help to retrain your brain to produce the right sleep sequence and restore sleeping patterns naturally.
  4. Sleep is optimised: It’s the dream, right? Good sleep, over time, is very powerful. Reaching a level of optimised sleep will not only bring a wealth of wellbeing benefits to your everyday life, but cognitive and physical health benefits too.

The science of SleepHub® - explained:
Normal sleep cycles should always appear in a specific sequence, however poor sleep habits, lifestyle factors and other circumstances can disrupt healthy sleeping patterns. Over time, your brain can forget the correct sequence and this is where difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep can take hold.

SleepHub® works by playing pure tones that we call ‘sleep sounds’. These are psychoacoustic sounds with sinusoidal waveforms to be exact! Exclusive to SleepHub®, sleep sounds emulate the waves created by the brain during sleep cycles to help you fall asleep and improve your quality of sleep. SleepHub® sleep sounds will guide your brain through the sequence of healthy sleep cycles, so you get the quality of sleep you need in a consistent and optimal way.

Regular and repeated use of your SleepHub® will help to retrain your brain to produce the right sleep sequence and restore sleeping patterns naturally.

The Benefits of SleepHub®

Using SleepHub® to achieve better sleep means you will be addressing problems with sleep, rather than just masking them.

When you start to regain natural sleep patterns and optimise your sleep through regular and repeated use of SleepHub® the benefits you may experience include:

  • Feeling more relaxed at bedtime
  • Drifting to sleep easier
  • Waking less frequently
  • Getting back to sleep quicker if you do wake up
  • Feeling more refreshed when you get up
  • Reduced daytime tiredness
  • Better mental, cognitive and physical performance during waking hours
  • Stress reduction in everyday life
  • Reduced headaches and migraines
  • Increase in focus
  • Overall wellbeing.

Sleep training with SleepHub®

Each person who uses SleepHub® will experience sleep improvements at varying rates. During the 10+ years of developing SleepHub®, our research has shown that some people report benefits within a few days while others experience improvements after several weeks.

We recommend repeated and regular use of SleepHub® in order to restore your natural sleep patterns - practice really is key. The best way to break any bad habit is with repetition of a good one and, like any training, this improvement builds over time.

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